Welcome to Perry Comic Press
Discover a world of fantasy, superheroes, horror, sci-fi, slice of life, and kid books. Join us on an exciting journey through the pages of our comics.
About Perry Comic Press
Perry Comic Press is a passionate and creative small independent comic book publisher. They are dedicated to curating and crafting exceptional stories across a wide range of genres, including fantasy, superhero, horror, sci-fi, slice of life, and kid books. With a strong focus on imagination and storytelling, Perry Comic Press strives to bring unique and captivating narratives to life through their innovative comics. They value the power of comics as a medium for self-expression, entertainment, and education. Whether it's thrilling adventures in otherworldly realms, tales of extraordinary heroes, bone-chilling horror stories, or heartwarming tales of everyday life, Perry Comic Press is committed to delivering high-quality and engrossing content to comic book enthusiasts of all ages.
Perry comic press team
M.Perry is the creator of Circo City an on-going comic book series.
Circo City is a anthology comic book series centered on a fictional city in mid-western America. The first story arc of the series will focus on a super cop team known as the Metro Squad.
Matthew Alan aka DUCK
Matthew Alan aka DUCK is the creator of a on-going comic book series call Attack Nation.
Attack Nation is a superhero-anthology comic book series about the survivors of a terrorist attack on Rocket City and how life around them changed forever.